
Car Rust: Everything You Need to Know

13th Sep 2023

We've all seen it, a classic car with incredible potential, but marred by an unsightly, reddish-brown coating. Rust, the silent enemy of any vehicle, slowly eats away at the metal surface, compromising its beauty, strength, and value. But what if you understood what actually triggers rust and could prevent it before it takes hold? Understanding what causes car rust is a significant step in automobile preservation. And who better to guide you on this tour than CarCapsule?

Let us introduce ourselves. CarCapsule is a respected name in the world of vehicle protection with our innovative products, designed to shield your cars from common enemies like dust, dirt, moisture, and rust damage. Our transparent, bubble-like enclosures which come in both indoor and outside storage solutions have been a game-changer for car owners globally.

In our commitment to helping you understand the workings of rust, we aim to combine our expertise with informative insights in this blog. With the information you gain here, you'll be well-equipped to spot the signs of rust damage, know where it's most likely to form, and most importantly, learn how to prevent it.

So, stick with us as we delve into the world of rust on cars, unveil its culprits, and share expert tips to keep your 'baby' rust-free and rosy. Because at CarCapsule, we understand how valuable your vehicle is to you, and we're passionate about helping you preserve it!

Understanding the Causes of Rust

What is rust exactly? Rust or iron oxide is the result of a chemical reaction where iron (or iron-based metals) and oxygen react in the presence of water or moisture. This process, also known as the oxidation process, can spell disaster for your car over time. As the rust forms, it can damage the metal, thus decreasing its tensile strength, and eventually leading to holes and severe structural damage.

So, what culprits push iron-based metals toward this red menace?

Road Salt

One major factor is the presence of road salt. If you live in colder regions where salt is regularly used to melt ice on the roads, your vehicle is more inclined to rust. Salt accelerates the rusting process by lowering the threshold for the chemical reaction to occur, especially when combined with water or moisture.


Moisture, in general, can speed up the rusting process. Whether it's caught in your wheel wells or resting on your body panel, moisture can set the bare metal on the fast track to developing rust spots. Not just any moisture, but even salt water or bird droppings can also create conducive conditions for rust formation.

While rust can affect virtually any part of a car that's made of ferrous metal, certain areas are more susceptible. For example, brake pads, wheel wells, and body panels often come into direct contact with road salt and trapped water, making them vulnerable to rust.

Learning what causes rust on cars brings us a step closer to finding strategic solutions to combat it. Having these insights makes you a more informed car owner, paving your way toward excellent car care and rust-free ownership.

How Can You Identify Rust on Your Car?

Now that we know how rust forms and what accelerates its build-up, the next course of action is to learn how to identify its early stages. Whilst rust may seem inconspicuous at the offset, it will invariably reveal itself over time, as it undermines the integrity of your vehicle's bodywork. 

Surface Rust

Surface rust is often the first stage and easiest to spot. As the name suggests, surface rust forms on the exterior surface of your vehicle when your paint or protective layer is breached. This can expose the ferrous metal underneath, starting the corrosion process. You may notice small flecks of brownish-red on your car's paint, or spots where the paint is bubbling-- a clear indicator of rust forming beneath.

Scale Rust

The scale rust is the next stage, where the rust forms and starts to pit the metal, leading to visible rust spots on your car body. Scale rust can be recognized by the rough texture it casts on the previously smooth metal surface. At this point, your car will interiorly start to degrade, and if not taken care of, may lead to structural damage.

Rust Holes

If scale rust is left untreated, it eventually evolves into the most destructive stage of rusting—rust holes. At this stage, the rust has eaten through the metal, leading to holes. Rust holes, especially on body panels near the suspension components or battery terminal, can cause severe damage and safety concerns.

However, the good news is that identifying the signs of rust early can make a world of difference and, with our regular inspection, help mitigate any serious damage.

Rust Protection Strategies

By now, we've acquainted ourselves with the causes of rust and how to spot its early signs. While curing rust is necessary, preventing it from forming in the first place is even more cost-efficient. Remember, the key to rust prevention is to keep the metal on your vehicle from coming in direct contact with water, salt, and other harmful contaminants.

Regular inspections can play a vital role in rust prevention. Become familiar with areas of your car that are particularly prone to rust like:

  • Brake pads
  • Battery terminals
  • Body panels
  • Wheel wells
  • Any other areas that frequently face water and road salt.

Regularly look out for subtle signs such as paint bubbling or rust spots to address the issue early on.

Rust-proofing is another highly effective strategy. Various products in the market like rust-proofing sprays and rust inhibitors are specifically designed to provide a protective layer on your car's surface, shielding the iron-based metal from moisture, salt water, and other elements that hasten rust formation.

Considering the detrimental impact that trapped salts can have on your car’s metal surface after a snowy day or a beach visit, giving your vehicle a regular car wash, particularly undercarriage cleanings, can greatly reduce the potential for rust build-up.

Moreover, a high-quality, rust-resistant paint job can also dramatically decrease the chances of rust formation. You can also consider using materials like stainless steel for portions of your car that are at high risk for rust development.

While preventive measures can be incredibly beneficial, having a reliable protective tool like aCarCapsule can further enhance your efforts in keeping rust at bay.

 CarCapsule for Rust Prevention

When all's said and done, we understand that caring for your vehicle goes beyond regular inspections, car washes, rust-proofing, and rust-resistant paint jobs. This is where we, at CarCapsule, come in. Our goal is not only to provide a technique or a tool for rust prevention and protection but to offer a complete solution.

The CarCapsule is an innovative approach towards complete car care, acting as a transparent bubble-like enclosure that provides 24/7 protection against rust-causing elements. Whether it's road salt, moisture from rain or snow, or even bird droppings, the CarCapsule ensures that your vehicle is sealed from all these external factors. This considerably slows down, if not completely prevents, the process of rust formation.

Our indoor car bubbles effectively shield your prized car from dust, dirt, and unwanted contact. At the same time, our outdoor Capsules offer robust resistance against harsh outdoor conditions and corrosive elements. Regardless of where you park your vehicle, we've got it covered.

It's not just about forming a physical barrier around your car, but also about creating a controlled environment that minimizes the potential of rust formation altogether. Many car owners have reaped the benefits of CarCapsule in terms of preserving their car's value, aesthetics, and structural integrity.

So remember, when you next spot rust, know that CarCapsule is here to protect and preserve your vehicle. Because we believe that the best offense is a good defense!